Friday, April 18, 2008


Our visit with the therapist last night was very productive. We discussed N's OCD behaviors at length. Dr. R recommended a book called "Brain Lock" by Schwartz and Bevette. I've also heard some parents at recommend a book called "Off The Cuff" by Nancy Zucker (Duke). I've looked for that second title and haven't been able to find it.

Anyway, Dr. R described N's OCD behaviors as a distraction. He called them a waste of time that distracts you from important stuff. He illustrated how much time and energy it took to maintain all the OCD stuff. N was very persuaded by his explanation and has already eliminated most of the behaviors. Hopefully it sticks.


Anonymous said...

Off the CUFF is available directly from Duke. It's a companion to their parent workshop (described here and not available in bookstores or through Amazon. Here's a link to the order from if you're interested.
It's also reviewed on the Maudsley Parents website if you'd like to take a look at that.

Wendy said...

Thanks Jane!